Our Western Alaska bear hunts are held in 2 distinct areas from our camp in Western Alaska. The bears in our first area are considered brown bears and the bears in the second are considered grizzly bears by SCI. Bears in these areas average around 8-8.5 feet square. There are many drainages that have salmon runs in our area, so the bears have plenty to eat.

Western Alaska Bear Hunting Seasons
April 20 to May 5
Aug 20 to October 10
During the fall the bears will be found on the creeks fishing for salmon or on the hillsides feeding in the numerous berry patches. Arctic North Guides Fall Western Alaska bear hunts take place out of tented camps located in prime areas near food sources. Spring bear hunts take place form our cabin that is located in prime denning areas. Hunts will be spotted and stalked with snow machines. We will be able to cover many miles during a day glassing many different drainages looking for bear deans and moose kills.