Guides That Go the Distance
Caribou hunting in Alaska is an amazing experience. As the fall colors paint a wild scene in one of the last places in America that can truly be called “Frontier,” so do the last of the great caribou herds make their annual migration. The place is the Brooks Range, and the western Arctic herd of trophy caribou is the game. Arctic North Guides offers guided caribou hunts on this plateau stage, where the players are treated to the finest, and most consistent, caribou hunts available anywhere.

While these lands are often called “barren,” nothing could be further from the truth. The North Slope of Alaska is alive with flora and fauna in almost infinite variety. Before the first of the snows fall, the animals that call this place their home in the summer move south in great migrations, whether borne of land, air, or sea. The caribou seek these lands for protection, escape, and food. While the word “pristine” is often used in Alaska, nowhere is it truer than in the rugged expanse of the Arctic.
The remoteness of Alaska North Slope in the Arctic cannot be overstated, nor can its unspoiled beauty. Hunts are exceptional on the North Slope due to its remote and untouched location. The caribou herd where our hunting trips take place number around 550,000. This is last of the ritual big game migrations on the continent, and they conjure up images within the mind of a time when the west was truly wild.
Lack of pressure makes our hunts unique, in that few ever lay eyes on this wild and unending landscape. With over 30 years guiding and outfitting hunts in the Arctic, our Alaska caribou hunting guides are proud to boast that 99 percent of our hunters have been successful at filling their tags with their own trophy big game animals.
What Sets Our Alaska Caribou Hunting Trips Apart?
What we sell on our hunting trips is personal service. We combine experience and our love for both the area, and the sport, to ensure that every hunt customer is treated with courtesy and respect. Our hunts are fully customizable and we offer a wide range of services to suit every client’s needs.
We pride ourselves on being professionals first, and this has always been the key to our success. All of our gear, and every single person on our staff, are of the highest quality. Quality and reliability are the most important part of any business, and our line of work requires that we pay attention to even the most minor of details. Our staff of professionals include licensed and experienced Alaska caribou hunting guides, pilots, assistants, cooks and managers. Everyone you meet on your caribou hunt adventure will make their own mark through their professionalism and dedication.
We will do our best to ensure your comfort and success on your Alaska hunting adventure. If you have any special needs or require anything out of the ordinary, we will do our best to make sure your needs are met, above and beyond all expectations.

Your Alaska Caribou Hunting Trip
The secret to our success is Location! Location! Location! Our area is wide and expansive as we operate three separate camps in addition to our main lodge. We can accommodate four caribou hunters at the main lodge while others fly out to one of our remote camps.
We track the caribou herds by air daily to keep apprised of their location and direction. This information is vital to keep our hunters locked in on all of the action and ensure their individual success. Because this is the largest and most consistent of all the herds, they always arrive like clockwork on August First or Second. After crossing the Colville River, the herd moves south through numerous mountain passes in one of the most incredible displays one can set their eyes on in this modern world. It is important to remain mobile during a hunt so as to intercept the herd as it moves. With 30 years experience in the Brooks Range, no one is better equipped to guide you on a caribou hunt of a lifetime, where success is virtually guaranteed with our proven Alaska caribou hunting guides.
Expanding Your Alaska Hunting Adventure
Our world class trips make for a truly unique and spectacular experience. We offer 2X1, seven day caribou hunts where you can explore and have the opportunity to hunt in the last great American frontier. Our backyard extends over 2000 square miles of unspoiled wilderness in the Western Arctic Brooks Range, bordering the Gates of the Arctic National Park. Contact Arctic North Guides today and plan your own caribou hunt adventure with real Alaskans who love the place they live and the work they do.